What to Do if You Experience Pain or Discomfort After Getting Invisalign Clear Braces

If you're experiencing pain or discomfort after getting Invisalign clear braces, there are a few things you can do to help alleviate the pain. Drinking cold water or using ice cubes is a great way to numb sore areas. An ice pack can also be used to reduce the discomfort. It usually takes a week for a person to get used to Invisalign aligners, and people generally only feel pain in this phase.

As a result of patients wearing a new Invisalign aligner every two weeks, you may experience some discomfort. You'll gradually get used to the new aligners and the pain will go away. Invisalign is an orthodontic treatment that uses transparent aligners instead of metal braces to straighten teeth. It is a series of custom-made transparent dental appliances that cover the teeth and gradually realign them. People often choose traditional orthodontic appliances to repair their teeth; however, there are other alternative treatments, one of which is Invisalign braces. If you're experiencing pain or discomfort after getting Invisalign clear braces, it's important to remember that it's temporary and very few people experience it.

Drinking cold water or using ice is a great option because you can drink water without taking off your aligners. You'll gradually get used to the new aligners and the pain will go away.

Selena Cirelli
Selena Cirelli

Extreme travel enthusiast. Extreme coffee guru. Professional food evangelist. Avid food expert. Devoted internet junkie.

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