Can I Use Whitening Toothpaste with Invisalign Clear Braces?

If you're wearing Invisalign clear braces, you may be wondering if you can use whitening toothpaste or mouthwash to brighten your smile. The answer is yes, but with some caveats. You can use whitening toothpaste or mouthwash when you take out the trays to clean your teeth, or use low-dose whitening gels for as long as the Invisalign trays are outside your mouth. This will help even out any discoloration that appears once the teeth have been completely realigned. The problem with using whitening products with braces is that they change the color of the exposed part of the teeth, since the remaining part is covered by braces.

This means that if you use a whitening product while wearing braces, you may end up with unevenly colored teeth once the braces are removed. To avoid this, it's best to wait until after your braces are removed before using any whitening products. If you do decide to use a whitening product while wearing Invisalign clear braces, it's important to follow the instructions carefully and not overuse the product. Overusing a whitening product can cause sensitivity and other problems. It's also important to make sure that you brush and floss regularly while wearing braces, as this will help keep your teeth healthy and prevent discoloration. In conclusion, it is possible to use whitening toothpaste or mouthwash while wearing Invisalign clear braces, but it's important to be careful and follow the instructions carefully.

If you're concerned about unevenly colored teeth once your braces are removed, it's best to wait until after they're removed before using any whitening products.

Selena Cirelli
Selena Cirelli

Extreme travel enthusiast. Extreme coffee guru. Professional food evangelist. Avid food expert. Devoted internet junkie.

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